About Us
Water Damage and Flood Damage: did you know there is a difference?
I’ve been in business since 1989 and as a Water Damage Repair specialist for over 25 years. My name is Brent Rice and this is my wife Nicole. The water damage and dry out technology has improved drastically and we make sure to have the best equipment on hand for our customers. We support homeowners and property managers.

First Response Water Damage is a family owned business, we’re local, and ready to help you with your emergency.
My customers reply on fast, professional response. They reply on my experience and knowledge. I can help navigate the insurance maze too.
There is a difference between Flood & Water Damage.
- Water damage and flooding in the home are 2 different categories.
- “Flooding” is NOT covered by your home owner’s insurance policy.
- Water damage is defined as unwanted water in your structure from internal leakage such as a hot water tank, hose, pipe, toilet, washing machine hose, sprinkler system etc. and is covered by your policy.
- Flooding is defined as unwanted water in the structure from an outside source such as thru the foundation, thru a doorway, and rain water, rivers, and lakes.
- Flooding requires specific “flood” insurance.
- There are some gray areas such as gutters and roofs.
I’ve been doing this for 20 years and I love helping people with the best solutions.
Call us: 206-902-6736